Facebook chat Smileys list

FB chat smiley listI’ve noticed may of you guys use facebook, especially most of you guys have a dedicated facebook profile for graal.


Facebook is the most popular social network out there. It first started as a network for Harvard students but soon expanded to accept everybody all over the world and gained enormous popularity among all generations. It is almost hard to find in these days someone who is not “on Facebook”.

Here is the list of all Facebook Emoticons and their shortcuts:

Emoticon Name Shortcut
smile smile 🙂 🙂 :] =)
tongue tongue 😛 😛 :-p :p =P
wink wink 😉 😉
grin grin 😀 😀 =D
curly lips curly lips :3
kiss kiss :-* :*
grumpy grumpy >:( >:-(
glasses glasses 😎 8) B-) B)
sunglasses sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|
upset upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o
confused confused o.O O.o
shark shark (^^^)
gasp gasp :-O :O 😮 😮
pacman pacman :v
squint squint -_-
devil devil 3:) 3:-)
unsure unsure :/ :-/ :\ :-\
frown frown 🙁 🙁 :[ =(
cry cry :'(
Putnam Chris Putnam   :putnam:
robot robot :|]
heart heart <3
angel angel O:) O:-)
kiki kiki ^_^
penguin facebook emoticon penguin <(“)

Sorry most of them  automatic changed to smiles because of this website. most of them are in the table in the picture above


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