Here is our collection of over 600 custom female heads for Graal – Enjoy! Gifs with BLACK BACKGROUND are Animated (eyes close / open, etc) to make your custom even more alive! Open linked image to see animation.
Do not Save thumbnails – it will not work – save the linked image!
Click on custom that you like – it will open in new tab. Save image from new tab. Then you can upload it to GraalOnline and it will work! Customs may be animated GIFs or PNG files with alpha-transparency. If you save thumbnail, you lose all the extra features – ENJOY!
Preview your custom character by mixing Bodies, Heads, Shields & Hats to see what they will look like: Graal Character Viewer.
(All-in-one Drag and Drop viewer to test out heads and bodies hats and shields before you upload them to the game – works for PC and iOS).
Hello , I watched all upload heads and from 1-59 :0 some of them were nice and cool and some of them were really ugly
Alice I have 4 heads upload and 5 bodies upload
I don’t get it
How do u do it
Guys plz help me, ido my head..but they still tell me “Sorry, the head image must have a size of exactly 32 by 560 pixels!” Ido anything but its not work
Please reply quickly،and thx u guys ???
@Aisel_12 – All original head images are 32x560px native resolution with transparency and/or motion. The thumbnails are NOT!
You need to click on the head you like, and save the image that opens – not the one in gallery (thumb).
Yea how do so?
When I tried the heads it said they were 4th e wrong size
I saved the head now what??
How do u upload the head and body
.so you go to download body head you go first, head or body select then click it a little longer on it then you have to save on link click then press
you on the menu then you see that there >> upload to graalonline << stands.Your click on it then there are different things you have to go down a bit then stands there
upload to graalclassic
upload to graalzone
upload to graalwest
then you have to click on upload to graalclassic or on zone west if you want the head there. then you have to enter your email and the copierte head / body
paste then on personal head or body click then you click on upload at the bottom then you go to the app graal online but must be open then you see the head / body then you press yes if you want to buy it
Como compro un upload para graal online era
i edited the head again with gimp XD
Can u help me?
admin says 150 or less limit what to do
There are too many frames. There should be 17 frames in a head, so get an editor.
hey! so i was trying to upload the blue head from the far left on page 58 and when I tried I got a message saying that “different colored frames are not allowed. I have tried everything!!! And I didn’t download it from thumbnail. Anyone know what I can do?
how are you supposed to input the head??if its finding 32x560px?????????
Nice heads
I love how the heads are 10,000 instead of 20,000 rn
Espero la head con ansia
what if my head is like, off center ¿?
Son gratis?
20k xd
demen una buena cabeza plis